
Writing, Talks and Media
The following is a list of recent writing and talks that Simon and Christine have done on climate issues. They are available, together or individually, to present on the role of arts and performance in accelerating climate change action
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2025, What's Happening with the Planet: A Short Update for 2025, Simon Kerr, Medium, Jan 19th
2024 (Forthcoming), 'Music in an era of planetary discontinuity: what music can and can't do in this crisis', a contributing chapter to Communicating a World-in-Crisis, edited by Simon Cottle, Cardiff University, Publisher Peter Lang.
2022, Conversations with Trees about Tipping Points, in Earthwords and Artlings, Tipping Points, Australian Earth Laws Association Earth Arts, September, Pages 8-9
2022, Only One Way to Head: Radical Hope in a Discontinuous Future, Simon Kerr, Medium, Aug 12
2022, It's Time to Rapidly Rethink the Climate Crisis, Simon Kerr, Medium, May 9
2021, We Need to Talk About Deadly Heat, Simon Kerr, Medium, Nov 8th
2021, Fish No More: Searching for a Viable Future, Simon Kerr, Published in Medium (PDF version), October 8th
2021, A Story to Tell ... Musicians and the Climate Crisis, Community Music Victoria, Blog, written by Simon Kerr with Deb Carvath, CMVic Online Editor, for Community Music Victoria, July 22nd
2021, Talking about the more-than-human world, Simon Kerr, Published in Medium, April 18th
2021, A World Without Enemies, Simon Kerr, Published in Medium, April
2020, Living with a Dying Forest, Published in Ecologist: The Journal for the Post-Industrial Age, 18th June (Described as a 'beautiful essay on hope and despair,' it was the Editor's pick for the week on 18th June), Simon Kerr
2020, How the Climate Crisis helped me decide to Download the Australian COVIDSafe App, Simon Kerr, Published in Medium, 30 April
2020, It is Now or Never for Universities: Research, Progress and Climate Disruption, Simon Kerr, Published in Medium
2019, Should we call climate change an emergency? Simon Kerr, published in Medium
2019, Making Climate Real: Climate Consciousness, Culture and Music, Kings Law Journal, London, Simon Kerr and Christine Parker https://doi.org/10.1080/09615768.2019.1645428
2019, Climate Change will not Affect me: How we avoid the heat and how the heat will not avoid us, Simon Kerr, Published in Medium
2018, Climate, Culture and Music: Coping in the Anthropocene’, The University of Tasmania Law Review Vol 37 No 2 (Special Edition), Simon Kerr
2016, Music and Hope in a Warming World, Artists and Climate Change, 18 July
2024, 5 August, 'Underlying Trends and Neglected Narratives in the Planetary Crisis' talk to La Trobe University Climate Network Monthly Seminar Series. (PDF of slides available here).
2024, 13 June, Webinar, Being Well in an Unwell World, University of Melbourne panel discussion
2022, Australian Earth Laws Association, Earth Laws Month, 'Performing for the Earth, Monday 12 September, 12:00pm to 1:30pm (with Robin Davidson, founding Director of Rebus Theatre)
2021, Australian Academy of Humanities, Symposium - Humanities for a Changing Climate (on-line),Presentation and Panel Discussion, 15 November (Monday)
2020, 'The practice of distilling new (musical) stories for the new economy', New Economy Network Australia, Annual Conference, 20th November
2020, 'Living with a Dying Forest', Zoom Talk to 'Under the Wisteria' Climate Group, 29th August,
2020, 'Music and stories for the Future', (from 40.35 to 1.01.44) Presentation at Panel Discussion, Arts and Culture Hub, New Economy Network Australia, 27 August
2020, 'Everyone is declaring a Climate emergency: what should ARMS do?', an Australasian Research Management Society PD seminar, presented by Dr Simon Kerr (La Trobe) and A/Prof Lauren Rickard (RMIT), 17 June (via Zoom).
2019 ‘The Future of Research Management: What to do when Everything Changes; Australasian Research Management Conference, Adelaide, September, Dr Simon Kerr
2018 ‘Culture and the New Economy; mobilising the arts to lead change’, Convenor, Panel Discussion. New Economy Network Australia, October, Melbourne (with Bronwyn Johnson, Climarte; Tim Hollo, Green Music Australia; and Aviva Reed, Ecological Artist)
2018, Narratives of Climate Change Symposium, 4-5 July, University of Newcastle, NewSpace Campus, Music for a Warming World; creating emotional connection in the Anthropocene, Dr Simon Kerr,
2018, Kings Transnational Law Summit: Creating Justice for our Future, Kings College, London, Session - Accelerating Climate Action, Prof Christine Parker and Dr Simon Kerr London, Weds 11 April
See short video of conference (Simon features from 4.49 - 5.35)
2017, Ecocities World Summit, Melbourne, Panel Session, Culture and Climate: Can Creative Interventions Spark Action? Prof Christine Parker and Dr Simon Kerr, 14th July
2017, University of Tasmania, Dangerous Climate Change - An Artistic Response, Prof Christine Parker, 23rd February
2016, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, School of Law, Kirkby Seminar Series 2016, Dangerous Climate Change - A musical response and an inquiry into academic-artistic co-production of social change', Prof Christine Parker and Dr Simon Kerr, 5th May