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Air Pressure


Living with the Future


The Snap Forward

One of the most illuminating sites for thinking about the future. Podcasts and writing, some by subscription but other available for free. Writer and futurist Alex Steffen explains why we are not ready for what is to come, why the planetary crisis is not an issue but an era, why the world we built not longer works on the planet we created and how a fundamental transformation of how we think about these crises is critical to a liveable and worthwhile future.  



Climate Science


Climate Council of Australia

Great source of information and up to date news by some leading climate thinkers


NASA Climate Science

One of the world's leading sources of climate data, full of amazing graphics


The Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes

An Australian Research Council funded research program of cutting edge climate science by leading Australian and international climate scientists. 


Carbon Brief

One of my go to sites for up-to-date analysis of climate science and impacts


MCC Carbon Clock

Great site containing the Carbon Clock showing how much carbon we have left to burn before we hit 1.5°C


Music and Art


Arts for a safe climate, CLIMARTE harnesses the creative power of the arts to inform, engage and inspire action on climate change.


Climate Stories Project    



(improvised music meets environmental sound)


The Climate Music Project

The ClimateMusic Project’s mission is to educate, inspire, and enable diverse audiences to engage actively on climate change through the creation and performance of science-guided music that viscerally conveys the urgency of taking action.



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